A wise man will desire no more than what he may get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully and leave contentedly. --Benjamin Franklin
A champion needs a motivation above and beyond winning. --Pat Riley
If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception. It is a prevailing attitude. --Colin Powell
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. --Will Rogers
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. --Francis Bacon
scene from casablanca
Filmed in 1941, starring Humphey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman. Still one of my favorites.: )
Franklin's Formula for Successful Living
We stand at the crossroads,
Each minute,
Each hour,
Each day,
Making choices.
We choose
The thoughts
We allow ourselves to think,
The passions
We allow ourselves to feel,
And the actions
We allow ourselves to perform.
Each choice
Is made in the context
Of whatever value system
We’ve selected
To govern our lives.
In selecting that value system,
We are,
In a very real way,
Making the most important choice
We will ever make.
Those who believe there is one God
Who made all things
And who governs the world by his providence
Will make many choices different
From those who do not.
Those who hold in reverence
That being who gave the life
And worship Him through
And thanksgiving
Will make many choices different
From those who do not.
Those who believe
in the future state
in which
all that is wrong here
will be made right
will make many choices different
from those who do not.
Those who subscribe
to the morals of Jesus
Will make many choices different
From those who do not.
Since the foundation of all happiness
Is thinking rightly,
And since correct action
Is dependent on correct opinion,
We cannot be too careful
In choosing the value system
We allow to govern
Our thoughts and actions.
And to know that God governs
In the affairs of men,
That he hears and answers prayers,
And that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him,
Hope all is well. As for myself things have been pretty smooth. I joined the cross country team at my college and have been having the time of my life running about a 5k a day.
At first I was finishing a 5k in about 35-40 minutes; slowly but surely, my pace has been improving as has my breathing so I'm now completing 5ks in about 26 minutes! I'm totally stoked!
The team is solid--there's a nice variety of runners. There are a few of the guys who run a 6 pace (6 minutes a mile pace) so they're about 2 minutes faster than myself, but I'll demolish that lead soon.
One thing I figured out fast is that running takes a toll on your body especially my knees. In fact just today I was running down hill trying to catch a few show offs, when one of my friends jumped in front of me forcing me off the side walk and into a hole housing a sprinkler. I twisted my knee or some ligament. It feels fine now but the true test will be at tomorrow's practice.
In an effort to help our family get focused and stay on target with our goals and priorities, Ruben asked me to create a printed replica of Stephen Covey's Quadrant Diagram that is a central part of his "First Things First", to hand out in our next family meeting.
While Googling for an image, I found a couple which I combined in a handout of sorts, but I also found a blog on Mind Mapping...which lead me to these interesting videos on the subject:
This first one is a tidbit on the creator of Mind Mapping
This second one is a brief description on how to create a mind map.
As a person who REALLY needs help in the 'organize-my-overstuffed-with-stuff-life', I plan on studying this concept further and putting it use.
Hello Folks! just stopping by, I hope all is well with you. In about three weeks a few friends, my cousin and I will be biking down to San Diego from Los Angeles. We will be cycling the 128 mile route in 25-30 mile stages so we can rehydrate and keep our legs from dying on us. We have estimated the time to get to San Diego would take us about thirteen or so hours with all the stops included. As of now we are still hashing out finer details as to whether we will be spending the night in San Diego or will we be driving back, I personally would like to tour San Diego a little but we will see how to pans out. So far we, my friends and I have been working on our base mileage, riding about 60-70 miles every week. Anyway I will post pictures and maybe even some live footage.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hey all. It's Andrew, checking in today.
To start, I offer a song; not new, but good. It also goes with the theme of my day today.
No, I have no idea what the asian girl at the end is on about.
My original plans for today started with me going to work in the morning for four hours. After that, I would bike up to a grocery store, pick up some essential items to be cultured later, and come home to prepare for tomorrows meeting at Dockweiler (sic) beach. However, I found out yesterday that two of my friends were planning a 60-70 mile bike ride which sounded much more beneficial than my previous plans. Thankfully, due to a mishap with my schedule this week, I was able to completely move around my hours; due to not being scheduled at all this week. So, at 7 a.m. I geared up and headed out. Unfortunately I made a wrong turn getting to the LA river bike path, and ended up in an area with no bike, or even walking path. After the second dead seagull I knew it was the wrong way. Turning back, I found the path, and met up with Aaron to bike down to Juan and the wife of Martin, our local bike shop owner. First we biked up to Long Beach, which was a fun ride. Martin's wife took off, easily averaging 25 while Juan and I averaged 16. (My new bike computer really comes in handy) So we hit Long Beach and had the Kombucha's I had hidden away in my backpack. Aaron saved his for later, but I downed it in seconds. Without the weight of four glass bottles I was much lighter on the bike. For reference sake, I started with 3/4 gallon Raw Milk and four bottles of kombucha. I was refilling a quart bottle from a half gallon, just for ease of drinking. Martin's wife left after she got back to her start point, and Aaron, Juan, and I all rode down to the Santa Fe Dam. It's a beautiful ride down there, and it was great fun the whole time. We all had some minor issues with equipment, but we were prepared. I found it much easier to keep cadence and motivation having the speedometer and odometer on my on-board bike computer, and we hit some decent speeds. Once we hit the Dam, we stopped at Quizzno's. We talked for a while, ate our food, and stretched out for the ride back. I refilled my quart bottle for the second time, emptying my half gallon by then (I had already drank a half gallon of milk by this point), when I found out something interesting. I had kept my reserve milk on the back of my bike, and while the trail was generally smooth we did have some rough spots. Somehow along the road, through these rough spots, the cream in my milk actually churned into a few small gobs of butter. It was funny, and I got used to it through the ride back. Before we headed back, we stopped in the recreational area and saw something awesome. There was a dog show in town. A Great Dane dog show.
Beautiful, ginormous creatures! There were at least thirty of them, all of them prancing about and being judged by sex and breed.
The Brown ones (left) are "Fawn", the black ones are a straightforward "Black", bluish ones are "Greys", and the spotted ones that look like Holstein cows are "Harlequin".
One woman, who had won Best Male for her dog Turner, was nice enough to let us pet her dog. He shoved himself right up against me, slobbering on my hand while I scratched at his back.
She also let us take pictures, here she is with Turner:
(Turner is Two years old, and has not yet reached his largest size)
He's being trained to be a helper dog, but due to his fine form they decided to show him first. His owner told me that he's actually got his own room, with pictures from all of the shows, and all his awards dotting the walls.
After this we departed. It was a really nice ride, and I feel accomplished, as well as a little sore. This is really good practice for the trip to San Diego we're planning in a few weeks.
All in all, I just needed to get the body in motion. :)
I was reading a blog early today when I came across these images of sculptures by Italian designer/sculptor Willy Verginer who created these pieces...I thought they were interesting and worth sharing:
It's that time of year again when days get hotter and people get lazier. It's time to whip out the Popsicle and lemonade as you watch the busy cars drive by and you plan out your summer in your head.
I think I might play a little volleyball this summer; haven't played it since Olivia and I were wee, bitty munchkins, with big head and knobby knees. And now nostalgia has caught me in its reminiscing hands and I can't wait to get back to the good ol' volleyball court :D
I'm also gearing up for a lot of out door grilling, as it's getting a little too hot for indoor cooking-- of course I wouldn't mind a indoor cooking if it were in, say, an In-N-Out. *hint, hint* ;P
I'm also hoping, without much enthusiasm that Hollywood, maybe, might, just come up with an enjoyable Summer flick--a girl can dream right.
As always, accompanying the start of summer is the start of our (Olivia and I) plotting and skimming to get our parents to take us on a long refreshing bike ride, or to a picnic, prefect park...or...or...
School has let out, thank goodness! Finals are over!! Well at least for me they are, I think Matthew and Andrew still have one or two left...
Boy does it feel nice to be free! No more homework, no more crunch study hours...over, done, finished :)
At least until July, then it's back to studying. Till then however I'm going to enjoy my time of homework free days :)
I would love to say that I'm going to be sleeping in late for the next month and not doing anything which involves hard labor...but then I would be lying.
Even though the hard studying is over I'm not exactly a free woman. Matthew and I were invited to join the track team at our college so for the next month we will be running and training and weightlifting like manics to get in shape.
It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be fun :)
A few of the folks in our house have a teeny bit of a cold, and one day when Olivia was looking a little peeked I asked her how she was feeling. She replied “I always feel fine!!” nothing like a little positive affirmation to keep you moving along when you may not be up to snuff physically.
It’s been about seven years since Ruben first started reading about positive psychology and then sharing with the family the concrete benefits of a positive mental attitude and the results in our household are palpable.
Here’s a cute little video of a young girl giving herself a great start to a wonderful day. Isn’t she just the funniest thing?
One can pay back the loan of gold, but one dies forever in debt to those who are kind. --Malayan Proverb
Choose being kind over being right, and you'll be right every time. --Richard Carlson
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. --Aesop
Go, then, and learn what this means, 'I want mercy, and not sacrifice.' --Matthew 9:13
"What shall I do to you, O Ephraim? What shall I do to you, O Judah, when the loving-kindness of you people is like the morning clouds and like dew that early goes away? That is why I shall hew [them] by the prophets; I shall have to kill them by the sayings of my mouth. And the judgments upon you will be as the light that goes forth. For in loving-kindness I have taken delight, and not in sacrifice; and in the knowledge of God rather than in whole burnt offerings. --Hosea 6:4-6
bringing sight to the blind:
...[T]wo blind men followed him, crying out and saying: "Have mercy on us , Son of David". After he had gone into the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus asked them:"Do you have faith that I can do this"? They answered him: "Yes, Lord". Then he touched their eyes, saying:"According to your faith let it happen to you". And their eyes received sight. Moveover, Jesus sternly charged them, saying: "See that nobody gets to know it". But they, after getting outside, made it public about him in all that region. --Matthew 9:27-31
What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Love Commands Friends: John 15:10--17
10) If you observe my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have observed the commandments of the Father and remain in his love.
11) “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you and your joy may be made full. 12) This is my commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you. 13) No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends. 14) you are my friends if you do what I am commanding you. 15) I no longer call you [servants], because a [servant] does not know what his master does. But I have called you friends, because all the things I have heard from my Father I have made known to you. 16) you did not choose me, but I chose you, and I appointed you to go on and keep bearing fruit and that your fruit should remain; in order that no matter what you ask the Father in my name He [may] give it to you.
17) “These things I command you, that you love one another.
G. K. Chesterton (1874 - 1936) on Courage:
"Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die. 'He that will lose his life, the same shall save it,' is not a piece of mysticism for saints and heroes. It is a piece of everyday advice for sailors or mountaineers. It might be printed in an Alpine guide or a drill book. The paradox is the whole principle of courage, even of quite earthly or quite brutal courage. A man cut off by the sea may save his life if he will risk it on the precipice. He can only get away from death by continually stepping within an inch of it. A soldier surrounded by enemies, if he is to cut his way out, needs to combine a strong desire for living with a strange carelessness about dying. He must not merely cling to life, for then he will be a coward, and will not escape. He must not merely wait for death, for then he will be a suicide, and will not escape. He must seek his life in a spirit of furious indifference to it; he must desire life like water and yet drink death like wine. No philosopher, I fancy, has ever expressed this romantic riddle with adequate lucidity and I certainly have not done so, but Christianity has done more. It has marked the limits of it in the awful graves of the suicide and the hero, showing the distance between him who dies for the sake of living, and him who dies for the sake of dying, and it has held up ever since, above the European lances, the banner of the mystery of chivalry, the Christian courage, which is a disdain of death."