I went biking this past Monday 46 miles to the Azusa mountains with a group of friends and I'm still pumped about it!
It's the longest distance I have ever ridden on a bicycle :)
Now the fun part is going to be breaking the record, hopefully I'll get my chance this Sunday when (fingers crossed) we bike out to the beaches.

Anyway part of why the trip was so great was because of the fantastic weather and location, I could go on and on about how gorgeous the scenery and the ride was -- the mountains are definitely the place to go for a bike ride, everything is just so fresh and isolated...

The next time we bike to the Azusa mountains me and the gang are going to try and make it past the initial peaks of the hills and to this biking trail.

It's going to be an adventure :D I can't wait! Plus I heard that it is also extremely gorgeous so I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

One thing I learned from this trip is to be PREPARED. Even if you start the day thinking your only going to bike ten miles or something light like that it's always good to be safe and pack some energy bars and nut mixes and lots of water -- you never know when your going to need the energy.

This time around I was very lucky, one of my friends brought enough food with him to have several delectable picnics -- and we did hahaha :)

All in all, it was AWESOME and such a nice change from the mundane routines of homework, homework, homework...If you own a bike I strongly encourage you to take it out of your garage, closet, attic, or where ever your hiding it away and take it for a ride!
You will be so happy you did trust me, by the end of it you might even be feeling something like that biking warrior chick in the above picture, I know I did hehehe :)
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