Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Aaawwwww, Thanks!

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Yesterday was my birthday. Hugs and kisses to everyone who sent birthday wishes to little ol' me. My mom sent me a lovely card with a warm and fuzzy note that made me smile. A dinner date with me hubby at one of our fav Mexican restaurants. My daughters gave me a surprise, banana cupcake breakfast with a candle and because it was my BD the muffin was calorie free!!!

My sister Evelyn sent me a beautiful E-card and from sister-in-law Delia a gorgeous, musical card. The rib cracking bear hug from Matthew made me appreciate the less painful but equally as heartfelt smile and "Happy Birthday Auntie" from Andrew. A call from a friend, Malcom: sorry you got my voice mail but you did remember my age correctly as (ahem) 29...again :)

And because S and O let the cat out of the bag, I even heard from fellow celebrators that I've not yet met. I feel so special...

Very grateful to have lived another year and looking forward to many more; growing younger and wiser with each one!

Cheers everyone,

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